Simulation of radiative heat transfer in enclosed volumes

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Uludağ Üniversitesi, Turkey

Approval Date: 2009

Thesis Language: Turkish


Supervisor: MUHSİN KILIÇ


The view factor is one of the most important and complex issues of the radiative heat transfer. In this study, calculation of view factor between the surfaces is emphasized. Because, in calculations of radiation generally surface areas, emissivite values and surface temperatures are known, but determining of the view factors related to the surfaces? geometry and position are more difficult and complex.Calculation of the view factors in many problems requires fairly complex equations to be solved. To develop the computer code that calculates the view factor for finite geometric shapes which are commonly encountered is the purpose of the study. Based on 23 different geometries in literature, the view factor between the surfaces can be easily calculated by developed computer code. The program can calculate the view factor depending on selected geometry and iterations desired range and parameter. Developed program may be used in both engineering education and practical applications.