Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Uludağ Üniversitesi, Turkey
Approval Date: 2006
Thesis Language: Turkish
Supervisor: MUHSİN KILIÇ
Abstract:In general, energy consumption can be examined under four main sectors such as industrial, building (residential), transportation and agriculture. Energy consumption in the residential sector is one of the main parts of the total energy consumption in most countries. Approximately 25-30 % of the total annual energy consumed in Turkey is used by the residential sector. On the other hand, studies reveal that technical potential savings range 25-45 % in residential buildings in Turkey. The energy in the buildings is used especially for space heating, water heating and in the kitchen. Space heating has the biggest part with % 40 in the residential energy consumption. Thus, energy consumption in the buildings is quite high and must accurately be considered. In this study, required annual heating energy is calculated for three types of buildings in Bursa. Doing this, 14 years of meteorological data are taken from State Meteorological Service. For the purpose, the degree-day method, one of the energy analysis methods, is used. Meteorological data which is considered from 1992 to 2005 are utilized for Bursa. Outside temperature degree Celsius for 14 years and average values are used to calculate the heat loss of 4 different building models. After determining heating energy requirement, calculations of fuel consumption are computed. Natural gas, which is commonly used, is chosen. After determining annual natural gas consumption for Bursa city, in calculations besides components of the walls, outside wall area, air circulation ratio, used glass type, the heat for the number of the people living inside building are examined. In thoughts of same cities with same buildings included, according to population, fuel consumption in this city is calculated. In conclusion, a considerable amount of energy saving is observed in isolated buildings. For the best and the worst cases, natural gas consumption in Bursa has 3 times of change range, depending on the architecture and usage conditions.