Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Bursa Uludağ University, EĞİTİM BİLİMLERİ ENSTİTÜSÜ, Turkey
Approval Date: 2019
Thesis Language: Turkish
Supervisor: Rasim Erol Demirbatır
Abstract:The aim of the research is to determine the similarities and differences of pre and post undergraduate guitar education of guitar students and identify the current overall situation in guitar education as well as assert the recommendations in the light of the findings. The survey system was employed in this research. The sample group of the study consists of guitar students studying in the Music Education Departments of nine universities in five regions of Turkey and guitar instructors working in these institutions. The data was collected from the subject-related books, articles, thesis, internet and databases through the literature review and subject-related survey forms were implemented. Analysing the obtained results in the research, IBM SPSS Statistics 25 pocket program was used. Frequency, percentage and arithmetic mean formula were applied for statistical survey results. As a consequence, in accordance with the collected data from the students and instructors surveys, the results were evaluated contrastively taking into consideration the similarities and differences, and the recommendations were asserted.