Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Uludağ Üniversitesi, Turkey
Approval Date: 2015
Thesis Language: Turkish
Abstract:The purpose of this study is to examine the anxiety conditions of fourth year prospective music teachers at the Education Faculty of Fine Arts Education Music Education Departments for the public personel selection examination (PPSE) by evaluating the anxiety conditions in terms of some variables. The universe of the research constitutes 4th grade students studying in Music Education Departments of Faculty Fine Arts throughout Turkey . The sample of the study composes 305 senior students attending 2014-2015 academic year. Fourteen universities - Two universities per each region- were selected from seven geographical regions in Turkey. Ten universities returned surveys. Descriptive method was used in the framework of a research survey model in the study. Related literature on the subject was searched and the data was collected through personal information questionnaire prepared by the researcher and the PPSE anxiety scale prepared by . Assoc. Dr. Hatice Karaçanta. Data was analyzed by using SPSS 22.0 and Microsoft Office Excel 2010 software package. Descriptive statistical procedures as well as independent sample t test, one way analysis of variance, and Pearson correlation coefficient analysis were performed. Comparing female and male canditates , the former has a higher anxiety at the bottom dimension of " Concerns About How You See Yourself " than the latter. Those working in private institutions relatively low at the bottom dimension of "General Concern". Those who intend to work in a private institution have a higher anxiety at the bottom dimension of " Concerns About Future and " Concerns About How You See Yourself " than those who do not. The candidates planning to have Masters have a lower anxiety at the bottom dimension of "General Concern" than those not intended. The anxiety of the candidates living with their families is higher in all bottom dimensions. Considering age variable, while candidates in the 25-28 age range have a higher anxiety than those in the range of 17-20 years olds, with respect to the type of graduated high school, school of fine arts graduates have a higher anxiety than the others at the bottom dimension of "General Concern" . Regarding GPA variable, candidates in the range of 3:00 to 3:49 have a higher anxiety than those in the 2:00 to 2:49 range at the bottom dimension of " Concerns About How You See Yourself " After scanning graduates with respect to graduated school type , Art High School graduates have greater concern at the bottom dimension of "General Anxiety " compared to those of other high schools, but there has not been a difference regarding to the GPA of range variable . The study on Public Personel Selection Examination's creating pressure and anxiety on music teacher candidates is considered important in terms of being one of the first studies on this subject.