Investigation of smoke movements and smoke holes in fires

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Uludağ Üniversitesi, Turkey

Approval Date: 2001

Thesis Language: Turkish


Supervisor: MUHSİN KILIÇ


In the modem society of today’s world, the necessity of humans to live together in the metropolis cities and because of insufficient geographical areas, construction of high buildings is a must in order to take advantage of a limited area. At high buildings from time to time fire starts related with various reasons. These kind of fires at high buildings cause serious property hazards and live casualties. Because of this reason there are several studies at many countries to perform security on fire. At the point of life security, perhaps one of the most important precaution is the controlling of smoke at the stairs buckets by pressuring methods in order to form secure exits from the building. Avoiding smoke to spread and purifying items from smoke ; This is the prior precaution of fire securing at the point of life security, reducing the physical harm of the smoke and interfering the fire more easily. Because %90 of the deaths took place at building fires are caused by smoke poisoning. At this study, the form of smoke and smoke movement is examined, the calculation methods necessary for design criterias of the smoke control systems that avoids the harmful effects of the smoke are investigated. Also the comparison of smoke control systems and which of them are appropriate for today’s conditions are mentioned. Some of these analysis are performed by a Computer program.