Thesis Type: Doctorate
Institution Of The Thesis: Uludağ Üniversitesi, Turkey
Approval Date: 2010
Thesis Language: Turkish
Supervisor: MUHSİN KILIÇ
Abstract:Nowadays, most of the people use automobiles to travel. With improvements in automobile technologies, people began to expect more comfortable indoor environment in automobiles. It is known that, automobile cabin conditions affect the driving comfort and safety. Automobile air conditioners affect both thermal comfort and air quality in an automobile cabin.Different vent choices and modes cause different air velocity and temperature distribution in the cabin. Automobile cabin conditions change due to the different air velocity and temperature distributions.Studies that are investigating the effects of air conditioner on automobile cabin environment in natural climate conditions are restricted. In this study, experiments were done under different natural climate conditions with different types of air conditioner modes. In the research, solid surfaces of the cabin and human facial skin temperatures were measured by using infrared thermography. Transient temperature distributions of cabin solid surfaces and human facial skin were obtained.Besides using infrared thermography, effects of heater on CO2 emission, temperature and relative humidity in the cabin were statiscally investigated. ANOVA and MANOVA analyses were obtained by using SPSS 15 program. The effects of different air velocity levels and vent choices on cabin indoor environment were investigated.The obtained results from this study will lead further studies in automobile thermal comfort studies and with this research; CFD studies and thermal comfort models with regard to thermophysical interactions between subjects and the ambient can be validated for transient conditions.