Investigation of heat and mass transfer in wafer and chocolate manufacturing

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Uludağ Üniversitesi, Turkey

Approval Date: 2005

Thesis Language: Turkish


Supervisor: MUHSİN KILIÇ


In this study, it's mentioned that the heat and mass transfer are very important for the chocolate and waffle manufacturing and the importance of the cooling time to crystallization of chocolate forming structure. In this study it is mentioned that the modelling the kinetic chocolate coating's cooling time. This modelling will be a good assistant and guide for the chocolate manufacturers about choosing the best cooling conditions for their specific products without expensive production trials. Cooling of chocolate coated products requires cooling tunnels with optimal settings according to the product and chocolate properties to get the desired quality. In this study the modelling of the cooling chocolate coatings is based on one dimensional.