Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Bursa Uludağ University, EĞİTİM FAKÜLTESİ, YABANCI DİLLER EĞİTİMİ, Turkey
Approval Date: 2022
Thesis Language: English
Student: Gözde Karakaya
Supervisor: Çiğdem Karatepe
Since World Health Organization (WHO) declared the virus called COVID-19 a
pandemic in March 2020, the education system all around the world has gone into a total
shutdown. Turkey was one of the countries that were negatively affected by this unexpected
change of context. Emergency-remote teaching (ERT) was suddenly introduced to prevent the
disruption of education and almost all countries adopted this alternative system that allows
access to education through digital devices. Turkish teacher education institutions also
switched to ERT during this phase. With the digitalization of education, being well equipped
with digital users has gained more importance for student teachers studying in the English
Language Teaching departments. Thus, the present study first aimed to find out the
emergency-remote teaching experiences of ELT student teachers. The study also asked the
2nd, 3rd and 4th year student teachers to compare their ERT experiences and perspectives with
that of the face-to-face education experiences they had before the epidemic. Secondly, the
participants’ readiness for and perceptions of ERT were scrutinized alongside analyzing the
factors of student teachers’ technical possibilities and digital competencies with their effect
on readiness during this phase. The research took place in the fall semester of the 2020-2021
academic year, consisting of 194 English teacher candidates in their second, third and fourth
years throughout Turkey. This mixed-method thesis study implemented four scales and a
semi-structured interview to elicit rich information and thus provide a comprehensive and
elaborate framework. Quantitative data were analyzed through descriptive statistics,
independent samples T-test and one-way ANOVA analysis in SPSS while the qualitative data
were transcribed, coded and presented with a flow chart. The findings showed the extent to
which emergency-remote teaching shaped English student teachers’ experiences, choices for
a face-to-face context, readiness for online learning and remote learning perceptions.
Although student teachers indicated neutral opinions about their ERT experiences, they are
inclined to prefer face-to-face education. In addition, student teachers seem to exhibit a
moderate level of readiness for ERT, which seems not to have been influenced by their
perception of ERT, technical opportunities and digital competencies. The reason for this fact
is that student teachers have already been familiar with the use of digital devices before the
lockdown. Therefore, these factors did not have any significant effect on their overall
readiness for ERT. The study also reported the strengths and weaknesses of the ERT in
Turkish teacher training institutions. The results of the study have provided implications for
teacher education programs and teacher educators regarding how better prepare them for
wider use of digital educational technologies in the near future.
Keywords: Emergency-remote teaching, ELT teacher trainees, face-to-face education, learner
perception, online education, readiness for online learning