Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Turkey
Approval Date: 2017
Thesis Language: Turkish
Supervisor: Rasim Erol Demirbatır
Abstract:In this research, the identification of the necessity and sufficiency levels and the use of violoncello pieces, including Turkish motives that have an important role in violoncello training in our country is aimed in accordance with the views of violoncello instructors and students. In the research, a questionairre is applied to violoncello instructors and students so as to collect data regarding violoncello composers and pieces composed by using Turkish music components, and to measure the features of these pieces such as contribution to violoncello training, being sufficent in terms of quality and being convenient. Scanning method has been used to analyze the data. At the conclusion part of the research it has been found out that current repertory regarding violoncello pieces in violoncello training composed by using Turkish music motives are not sufficent in terms of quantity, and some problems are encountered when trying to use them efficiently. Besides, it has been suggested that such pieces be used more, and more effectively in violoncello training.