Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Bursa Uludağ University, SOSYAL BİLİMLER ENSTİTÜSÜ, Turkey
Approval Date: 2019
Thesis Language: Turkish
Student: Muhammed Furkan Şahin
Abstract:In the contemporary law systems, the laws of the traffic are carried out by a specific way and the violations of law are punished in this purview. In some cases that exceed regulations’ limits where the benefits of people and the community are involved, it is certain that the general provisions of the current law system are enforced. In case of material damages, it can be punished with the material restitution but in case of damages to life or physical integrity, people can be punished with both physical punishment and imprisonment. Recent penalty increases cause people to comply with rules more strictly. Despite the aforementioned penalties, violations do occur in the face of lack of conscience, morality and religious shortcomings. In such occurences Islamic Law system provides salvation in this world and the afterlife as long as people comply with it’s rules. It is possible to see the presence of similarities and differences between the Islamic Law and Modern Law in our thesis. We attempted to compare the punisments of violations of traffic rules for infractor drivers in current law and viii counterparts of them in Islamic Law. We tried to explain the responsibilities of individuals in terms of Islamic Law by referring to the possible punishments that may occur as a results of violations of traffic law. We believe that this study will faciliate determination of the place of this subject in Islamic law system. As a result, we can say that the circumstances arising from traffic rules and violations of it are releated to the Islamic Law as much as, if not more, to the Modern law.