The effect of the amount milk given at different ratios on growht parameters in calves

Thesis Type: Doctorate

Institution Of The Thesis: Bursa Uludağ University, SAĞLIK BİLİMLERİ ENSTİTÜSÜ, Turkey

Approval Date: 2020

Thesis Language: Turkish

Student: Recep Tolga Kıvanç



The purpose of this research; In order to see the effect of the amount of milk given at different rates in 0-70 days old calves on development parameters; to investigate the effects on feed consumption, body weight gain, feed efficiency, body size and rumen parameters. The research was carried out in calf unit in Tekyön Agriculture and Animal Husbandry in Kırşehir. In the study, a total of 88 female (N = 43) and male (N = 45) Holstein calves were used as animal material. Weekly milk amount was determined according to the results of the weekly body weight weighing of the calves. The study was carried out in 4 groups, and the calves in the 1st group received 10% of their live weight milk in 3 meals (10-3% meals), and the calves in the 2nd group with 15% of their body weight in 3 meals (15-3% meals), In the 3rd group, 20% of the body weight was given milk in 3 meals (20-3% meal), and the calves in the 4th group were given milk 10% of the body weight in 2 meals (10-2% meal). Calves were fed with colostrum for the first 3 days after birth. Later, the calf was distributed to the groups according to their birth body weight, and the calf was taken to individual box by providing starter feed and access to water. Body weights of the calves, calf starter consumption and feed efficieny, were calculated weekly. Calves were weaned on the 70th day. pH measurement was made and volatile fatty acids profile and NH3- N were measured in rumen fluid taken on 70th and 90 th day. Starting from 0nd day, wither height, heart width and body lenght were measured weekly. The data were evaluated with mixed linear modeling in SAS program using MIXED procedure. In the consumption of solid feed amounts of the calves, it was determined that the calves in the 2nd group 15-3% and 3rd group 20-3% consumed less hay and starter than the other groups (P<0,0001). 3rd group 20-3% in daily dry matter consumption was significantly higher than the other groups (P<0,0001). the effect of the application on wither height was significant. The 20-3% group was numerically higher than the other groups, while the 10-2% group had the lowest wither height average. Considering the effect of application on hearth width and body length, the 20-3% group was significantly higher than the other groups; time-dependent change was observed significantly(P<0,0001). In terms of body weight effect, the 20-3% group was significantly lower than the 10-2% group (P = 0.01). Daily body weight gain was significantly higher (P =0.0033) in the 20-3% group compared to the other groups, a significant change in time was observed(P<0,0001). In rumen samples taken from calves on the 70th and 90th days, it is seen that there is no significant effect between the groups in terms of volatile fatty acids, rumen pH, rumen NH3-N. As a result, calves fed 3 meals a day and consuming 20% of their live weight had higher body length, heart width and live weight gain, but when the calves reached the 90th day of their lives, the live weights were similar in all groups. It has been determined that the total dry matter consumption decreases in the groups that drink more milk during weaning, and it appears that the weaning strategy is a determining factor.