Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Bursa Uludağ University, İLAHİYAT FAKÜLTESİ, İSLAM TARİHİ VE SANATLARI BÖL., Turkey
Approval Date: 2020
Thesis Language: Turkish
Supervisor: Ali İhsan Akçay
The letter came into the life of humans with the invention of writing and it was used as a communication tool. However, its area of usage has changed in the course of time. Hereby, it is no longer just a communication tool, moreover it has secured its position as a literary genre in humans life. The work that we examine, named Çocuklara Mektup Numunelerim, is one of the dozens of letter that is knows as epistolary in which writers use letters and they tell their stories or deliver messages through a series of letters. This study consists of introduction and three other parts. First of all, it represents the historicol development of the epistolary, and the Works written in the form of epistolary, then the significance of the epistolary in children's literatüre and then the surveys made about this topic. Subsequently, it the mentioned work. Meanwhite, the significance of morel values which has subjected to a lot of Works during the history in the valuer education is the most important element that enriches the work. The epistles in the work aare handled in terms of language and style. In the studies of first and second parts, especially the necessities and grades of children are taken into consideration. In conclusion, this study includes the transcriptional form of Çocuklara Mektup Numunelerim which is our thesis subject and some of the samples of epistle from the original work. Key words: Selanikli Edhem İsmail, Epistolary in Turkish Literature, Child, Letter, Letter, Morality |